As we reflect a full year as Microjoy, we’re taking a moment to revisit our origin story; the initial spark that created not just this functional mushroom brand, but also a world view.
During the pandemic, the loss of simple little happy moments, minor but important interactions, were what we missed most. A funny little moment with a barista, a happenstance conversation with a stranger in the cereal aisle, an impromptu snack of samples at the grocery store.
The absence of those things highlighted the need for them, and we gave those things the name “microjoys”. And we noticed that when we began to train our brains to recognize and amplify these small joys on a daily basis, it helped us see them more frequently and also feel better overall.
It’s a cultivated practice that involves pausing when something very small can bring a moment of levity or beauty to our lives. A small moment then becomes significant, and pulls us (and our brains) out of our routine or rut, and shifts our mindset to one of appreciation for things that are good and bring us positive emotions.
By returning frequently to this ethos, or mission, we find this is our way to stay grounded. Not only as a small business, but as human beings being pulled in the numerous directions of daily life, all while coping with the stressors of politics, climate change, aging, family and simply trying to stay healthy, mind and body.
We hope that you are able to incorporate a practice of microjoys in your daily journey, and that we can support you feeling like the best version of yourself in order to achieve this.